Which Valorant Agents Are Free?

When you start playing Valorant, you get five agents for free: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova. Additionally, you can unlock two more agents for free by reaching specific player levels: One agent at level 5, Another agent at level 10.

These free agents are unlocked through the “Welcome Contract.” You can view your progress on this contract in the “Agents” tab of the game.

For the remaining agents, you have two options: Grind and level up their individual contracts using in-game experience (XP). Purchase them with Valorant Points (VP), the game’s premium currency.

Which Valorant Agents Are Free

Upon starting Valorant, you’ll gain immediate access to five Agents: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Sova. These Agents represent the core roles in Valorant: Duelist, Initiator, Controller, and Sentinel.

Brimstone (Controller): A strategic powerhouse, Brimstone controls areas with smokes and incendiary grenades. He excels at holding sites and pushing enemies back with his ultimate orbital laser.

Jett (Duelist): A high-mobility Agent, Jett grants players exceptional movement options through dashes and updraft abilities. This makes Jett ideal for flanking and taking aggressive positions.

Phoenix (Duelist): A fire-wielding Agent, Phoenix can create walls of flames, heal himself, and even run it down with a fiery charge. He excels in entry fragging and disrupting enemy defenses.

Sage (Sentinel): A supportive Agent, Sage can heal allies, slow enemies, and even revive fallen teammates. She’s crucial for anchoring sites and supporting her team.

Sova (Initiator): An information-gathering Agent, Sova utilizes recon darts, shock bolts, and an ultimate revealing enemy positions. He excels at scouting ahead and setting his team up for success.

How To Level Up Earning Additional Free Agents

By playing matches and completing daily missions, you’ll earn experience points (XP) that level up your account.

At levels 5 and 10, you’ll unlock two additional Agents for free through the “Welcome Contract.” These Agents rotate periodically, providing access to a diverse pool of characters as you progress.

Beyond The Free: Exploring Other Unlock Options

While the free Agents offer a solid foundation, you might eventually want to expand your roster. Here are your options:

  • Contract Grinding: Each Agent has a dedicated contract. By earning XP while using that specific Agent, you can unlock various cosmetic rewards and eventually the Agent itself. This is a time-consuming method but allows dedicated players to unlock specific Agents they’re interested in.
  • Valorant Points (VP): Valorant’s in-game currency allows you to directly purchase Agents. This is a quicker option but requires real-world money investment.

Choosing Your Free Agent

Ultimately, the best free Agent for you depends on your preferred playstyle. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  • Aggressive and entry-fragging: Consider Jett or Phoenix.
  • Strategic and supportive: Consider Brimstone or Sage.
  • Information gathering and initiation: Consider Sova.

It’s recommended to experiment with the free agents and see which ones click with you. Don’t be afraid to try different roles and find your niche within the valorant ecosystem.

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