Valorant Toxic Players: Community Demands Tougher Penalties For Trolls

Valorant Toxic Players is a big problem in the game and players often deal with a common problem trolls and players who aren’t very nice. Some players are getting frustrated and think we need tougher punishments to fix this.

The game does have ways to deal with these players, but a Reddit post on January 28 shows that many players are not happy with how things are currently being handled.

Valorant Toxic Players: Players Want Tougher Punishments

On Reddit, a big Valorant fan talked about being tired of players who ruin games. They want the game to punish those players more.

They think the current system isn’t good enough and suggest that Riot should ban an account forever after checking the game.

The fan shared examples of bad behavior, like players losing on purpose and messing up the game. Many others in the community agreed, saying they had similar problems.

Some even said they stopped playing Valorant because of these bad players after the ranked games were reset.

What Players Are Saying And Ideas

Players shared stories of how trolls affected their games. Some think Riot should use a “trust factor” like Counter-Strike.

In this idea, players with a history of bad reports would only play with other players who also have a low trust factor. This way, the good players can play with each other without the bad ones ruining the game.

Asking Riot to Do Something

Even though Riot was quick to handle bad chat messages before, players are not sure if the punishments for bad gameplay are enough. Many want riot to do more to keep valorant fair and fun.

Some players are comparing valorant to other successful games, like Counter-Strike, and asking Riot to use proven systems from those games.


Valorant players are struggling with trolls and unfriendly players, and many are asking for tougher punishments. We don’t know yet if riot will make the punishments stricter.

Players are waiting to see if there will be changes to make the game better and stop the bad players from ruining the fun in valorant.

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