Team SMG Set To Challenge 5 Duelists Next Time

In the valorant women’s world tournament, held last november, Singapore’s team SMG caught everyone’s eye with their four-player setup. During an interview with ABS-CBN, the players reflected on their feelings at that moment.

Representing Asia, Team SMG went all-in with Phoenix, Neon, Reina, Rays, and Cypher on the first map against Evil Geniuses GC. Despite the unbalanced lineup, they clinched victory with a significant lead of 13-3.

During the interview, They admitted, “Choosing four duelists was a mistake. I thought it was just a practice run to test our strategy. Since there was no turning back, I adapted to each agent’s strengths.” They acknowledged that the four-duelist choice was an error.

Later on, Team SMG players attended an event in the Philippines. With an impressive performance, the team triumphed in 35 consecutive games at the world and Asian tournaments. In an ABS-CBN interview, Alexy and eneriiii shared their thoughts.

“Playing offline was an invaluable experience. Despite finishing in the top four globally, I believe being the Asian representative was a great accomplishment. However, in the first match, choosing four duelists made some teammates nearly tear up as they headed to the stage.”

“I kept reassuring them, ‘I thought it was just a strategy check, it’s all on me.’ But deep down, I felt, ‘If we lose, it’s my responsibility.’

After the match, we checked with the tournament organizers, only to be told, ‘No changes allowed now.’ So, we played the match as usual, not worrying about the agent lineup. I kept saying, ‘A loss is a loss, a win is a win.'”

In the interview’s conclusion, eneriii was asked, “Would you try the same setup next time?” With a laugh, eneriii replied, “Next time, I might go for five duelists.” Ta.

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