Governor Journey: From Streamer To Pro Gamer With 9-Hour Daily Grind

Governor journey on how he transitioned from streamer to professional. “I’ve been practicing 9 hours a day, 6 days a week for the past two months”

VCT PACIFIC 2024 KICK-OFF is happening in South Korea for Masters Madrid. Talon Esports defeated Team Secret in the first round of the group stage.

Governor, the team’s duelist, shared his excitement for this tournament in an interview with ONE Esports.

As a Talon Esports member, how do you feel about moving your base from North America to Asia?

I feel good. There are big changes in lifestyle due to cultural differences. I’m Korean-American, but I don’t speak Korean fluently. So, I still feel like a foreigner. Apart from that, I feel pretty good.

Were There Any Surprises After Moving To Korea From America?

Everything seems smaller here. I’m tall, but everything feels close to the ground. I thought the apartment was small, but it’s normal-sized here. That was a bit surprising.

Do You Listen To K-POP?

I started listening to it after moving to Korea. I’m not a big fan yet, but I’ve been listening to New Jeans a lot lately.

How’s Life In Korea?

I have a lot of family here, so it’s been great catching up with them. I had some time off after moving, so I visited my cousins and grandma. It helped me learn Korean, and now I can communicate better with my parents. It’s been a good experience.

Korea Is Known For Grilled Meat, Have You Tried It?

When I first came, I ate grilled meat every day for a month. There was a 24-hour Yakiniku restaurant below my office, so I went there often. It was a big help since we finished practice late.

What’s Your Favorite Yakiniku Menu?

Kalbi. If it’s on the menu, I’ll definitely order it.

How About Boot Camp?

It’s been efficient meeting and practicing face-to-face. I’ve been in the office for about three weeks now, and I think I’ve improved four times faster than practicing online in the first month.

Can You Describe A Typical Day?

My routine has changed a lot. I wake up at 10 am, shower, and do skincare. It’s a healthy habit I picked up here. Then I head to the office, about a 10-minute walk from my apartment.

Practice starts at 1 pm, and it goes on for 9 hours. After practice, I hit the gym, stream for 1-2 hours, and get home around 1-2 am. Sundays are my only days off.

What Skincare Products Do You Use?

All Korean products: cleansing, lotion, serum, eye cream, and emulsion. In the morning, I apply sunscreen. Crws knows more about it; he introduced me to these products.

You Competed In Tier 2 In North America, How’s The Transition To The Pacific?

My playstyle changed a lot. There are more gunfights here. I remember being frustrated at first, but I’ve adapted now.

How Did You Start Gaming?

I started playing games at 11, first Minecraft, then Counter Strike at 12. I played every day, then got into VALORANT in 2020 after watching Brax’s stream.

Tell Us About Your Journey To Becoming A Professional Player.

I started as a creator, making videos of my gameplay. As my YouTube subscribers grew, I started streaming.

When my viewership increased, I felt the urge to enter the competitive scene. That’s when I formed Squirtle Squad and eventually joined Complexity.

Advice For Aspiring Pros?

Streaming and content creation can complement your practice. It’s worth it if you want to build your brand.

Pineapple On Pizza?

My mom likes it, but I prefer it in small portions. It doesn’t go well with pizza.

Favorite Duelist?

Jet, but I’m enjoying playing Ray’s now.

Favorite And Least Favorite Maps?

Fracture is my favorite; I performed best on it during Squirtle Team era. I dislike Sunset; I struggle to get kills on it.

Thoughts On The Current Map Pool?

Not a fan; it lacks Fracture and Haven, and includes Sunset which I dislike.

Best duelist In The world?

f0rsakeN from Paper Rex. He’s versatile and skilled.

Preparations For VCT PACIFIC 2024?

Practicing 9 hours a day, six days a week for two months. We’ve discussed strategies and worked on individual and team weaknesses. I feel prepared.

Alternate Career?

I thought about dentistry, but now I’m considering business administration. I want to enjoy my professional career, save money, and invest wisely.

Message To Asian fans?

I’ll give my best for the Thai people. Thank you for your support.

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