FNS On Agent Choices: You Should Let The Player Use The Agent He Is Best At

FNS On Agent Choices, At the VCT PACIFIC 2024 KICK-OFF in South Korea, Bleed Esports ended up in last place. FNS, who used to play for OpTic Gaming and NRG, expressed some concerns about the characters the team chose during his own stream.

FNS On Agent Choices: You should let the player use the agent he is best at. That’s the way to get the best performance. If it were me, I would have asked him to use Jet or Chambers.

Bleed Esports has Yay, who amazed everyone with Chamber and Jett back in 2022. However, in this tournament, they lost to T1 and Global Esports in the group stage and got knocked out.

Despite being good at playing aggressively, Yay also tried playing more flexible characters like Viper and Skye, but his performance wasn’t great with only 38 kills and 42 deaths.

Apart from his poor performance, many people in the gaming community feel that Yay should focus on being the main aggressive player.

FNS, who won a world tournament with Yay in 2022, mentioned this in his stream, expressing his concerns about the character choices.

“In the case of someone as talented as Yay, he should stick to playing the character he’s best with. That’s how he can perform at his peak. If I were him, I’d stick with Jett or Chamber.”

Yay has been struggling for over a year now, not winning a single official match. When he got eliminated recently, he took to his social media, saying, “Honestly, I don’t know what happened.

I’ve never had blurry vision before, but I couldn’t react to the enemies on the screen at all.” He revealed he was having some eye problems.

Yay added, “I know a lot of people are upset about this result, but please understand it’s not my coach or teammates’ fault. If you’re looking to blame someone, blame me. It’s on me,” expressing his regret.

Yay surprised everyone by moving from America to the Pacific League last November.

Now that chamber is becoming more popular in competitive play, Will he be able to replicate his success from 2022? All eyes are on VCT PACIFIC 2024 Stage 1, starting in April this year, with high hopes.

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