Are Valorant Guns Hitscan?

In the fast-paced world of valorant, every millisecond counts. Precise aiming and understanding weapon mechanics are crucial for securing victories. One key aspect that often sparks debate among players is the nature of bullet travel: Are Valorant Guns Hitscan or do they function differently?

Hitscan Vs. Projectiles

Before getting into valorant’s specifics, let’s establish the two main firing mechanics in video games:

  • Hitscan: This method treats bullets as instantaneous, like a laser beam. When you fire, the game instantly checks the line of sight and registers a hit if it collides with an enemy player. This results in a “point-and-click” experience, where aiming directly at an enemy guarantees a hit, assuming no obstacles are in the way.
  • Projectiles: This method simulates bullets as physical objects with travel time, affected by factors like gravity and air resistance. Players need to lead their shots by aiming ahead of a moving target to compensate for the travel time. This adds a layer of skill to mastering a weapon, as players need to predict enemy movement and account for bullet drop.

Are Valorant Guns Hitscan?

Now, back to valorant. The good news for players who prefer the simplicity and responsiveness of hitscan weapons is that all of guns in valorant function using the hitscan mechanic.

This means that when you fire a shot, It instantly registers a hit on the server if it’s lined up with an enemy player within the weapon’s effective range.

There are, however, a few exceptions:

  • Jett’s knives (Bladestorm): These throwable blades behave like projectiles, requiring players to lead their shots and account for travel time.
  • Killjoy’s Nanoswarm Grenades: These throwable grenades travel in an arc and detonate after a short delay, damaging enemies caught in the blast radius.
  • Raze’s Satchel Charges and Boom Bot: These deployable explosives are not traditional guns but function similarly to grenades, requiring players to strategize placement and detonation timing for maximum effectiveness.

Benefits Of Hitscan In Valorant

The use of hitscan for most weapons contributes significantly to the core gameplay experience of valorant:

  • Emphasis on precision aiming: Hitscan removes the need for accounting for bullet travel time, allowing players to focus purely on aiming and crosshair placement. This fosters a skill-based environment where precise aiming and quick reflexes are rewarded.
  • Responsiveness and fast-paced gameplay: The instant registration of hitscan bullets creates a responsive and fast-paced gameplay experience, ideal for the tactical and strategic nature of Valorant.
  • Level playing field: Hitscan eliminates the need for players to master different bullet physics for various weapons, creating a more level playing field and allowing them to focus on understanding recoil patterns and strategic positioning.

Beyond Hitscan: Additional Considerations

While hitscan dominates the weapon mechanics in valorant, it’s important to understand additional factors that can affect bullet registration:

  • Ping and latency: Network latency can introduce a slight delay between when a player fires and when the server registers the hit. This can be frustrating for players with high ping, as they might see their shots land on their screen but not register on the server.
  • Server-side hit registration: Valorant, like most competitive shooters, utilizes server-side hit registration. This means that the server has the final say on whether a hit is registered, regardless of what the player sees on their screen. This ensures fairness and prevents players with lower ping from having an unfair advantage.


Understanding the mechanics behind valorant’s weapons, particularly the widespread use of hitscan, is essential for players looking to improve their performance.

With this knowledge, players can focus on honing their aiming skills, mastering recoil patterns, and developing strategic positioning to climb the ranks and dominate the competition.

Remember, while hitscan simplifies bullet travel, mastering the game’s other mechanics and strategies remains key to becoming a formidable valorant agent.

If you need some tips to improve your gameplay and climb up the rank, check out our 27 Valuable Tips Guide, which will give you prose tips that will take your game to the next level.

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